"Ring Ring" is a captivating short film brought to life during a speed film competition during Z’s summer film program at the University of the Arts. Surrounded by other passionate individuals, the creative energy was palpable as Z and their friends embarked on a whirlwind journey of brainstorming, scripting, and, ultimately, producing this film. The limited timeframe posed a thrilling challenge, pushing them to think on their feet and make swift decisions. Despite the time constraints, the team's dedication was unwavering, allowing them to capture the essence of their story in every frame. In post-production, "Ring Ring" underwent a refining process, where Z and Gwen enhanced the visuals and fine-tuned the audio. The hard work and talent that went into refining the film in post-production further elevated its impact and quality, making "Ring Ring" even better. “Ring Ring” is a testament to the incredible talent nurtured during that unforgettable summer program and the team's dedication to creating a cinematic work of art.




Microwave Film